Call for Workshops
Workshops are half day (3 hours), or full day (6 hours) sessions focused on teaching specific methods, applications, software, or theories related to Social Networks. The workshops will take place before the main conference. They are not free of charge and require additional payment upon registration.
Required information:
- Workshop title
- A brief description of your workshop (max. 500 words)
- Names and contact information of all organizers
- Length of the workshop (3 or 6 hours)
- Maximum number of attendees
Call for Organized Session Proposals
An Organized Session is a set of paper presentations centered on a specific theme, for which participants can submit abstracts during the regular abstract submission period. Organized sessions consist of at least one 2-hour time slot accommodating 4-6 paper presentations.
Required information:
- A short descriptive title for your session.
- A brief description of your session.
- Contact information for a session organizer.